I’m very pleased to have photos from my Littoral series (including Littoral 112, below) in the "Summer Break” group show at Station Independent Projects in Toronto. It’s the first international showing of my work. The show opened August 9 and is on until August 24.
Littoral 112
Littoral was made over several years — the last years of my mother’s life — on a beach north of San Diego near where she used to live. It’s the place I’d go to gather myself on my visits during her long illness and after her death. Taken early mornings, the photos capture patterns in the sand emerging and disappearing with the tide, visible just for moments, then gone. As with all my work, no filters were used in making the photos and no adjustment of color or tone done after.
from the opening (photo by Leah Oates)
I’ve never been better, more respectfully treated as an artist than by the gallery owner Leah Oates, who is widely-known for her own (very fine) work in photography (www.leahoates.com). Maybe it’s Canada or maybe it’s Leah, but it’s been a pleasure working with them.
Here’s a post about the show on Akimbo, a Canadian art website: https://akimbo.ca/listings/summer-break-group-show/
If anyone is in Toronto this coming week, I hope you’ll be able to see it.